The Island of Full Potential

free guide journal reflection workbook Nov 16, 2017

Happy Long Weekend!!!

I love long weekends when I have time for reflection, re-connection with my inspiration and clarity for my next chapter.

So I've created a workbook for you and some reflection exercises for you :)

The Island of your Full Potential!

To understand where you want to go and what you want to create in your life, you need to let go of any fears, limiting beliefs and “should” types of thinking. Instead, you want to consider what you would do, be, have, experience or create without any limits.

You can do this in three steps:

1. Once you have a clear vision, idea or inspiration of where you want to go…

2. Then you look at where you are today.

3. The gap in between is the journey to your Island of Full Potential!

The gap between where you are now and where you want to be is where I can help.

As your coach, I have the tools and strategies to help you travel the distance between where you are today and your desired future.

This can include anything you can imagine since if you can imagine it and if you desire it in your heart, then it is both possible and part of your life path. If you can dream it, you can do it!

Here’s a free PDF workbook for you :)


A coach can help you take the journey through the unknown waters, to support you when things get rough, when you want to turn back to where you came from or when you may loose your way.

In a coaching partnership, we work together as a team.

I help you get clarity on where you want to go, why you want to go there and then we figure out the hows together.

I have helped other leaders make their own journey, each one is different than any other and there are also similarities along the way.

From my experience coaching hundreds of clients combined with my own personal journey, I have developed my signature Exhale and THRIVE! System that provides the strategies on how to sail the boat and reach the Island of Potential.

And we turn it into your new reality!

Your destination is uniquely your own so we merge my strategies and experience with your passion, vision and goals to create a unique map and action plan to get you to your Island of Full Potential!

If you feel called to get support along the way, please reach out by email or book a call and we can talk about what’s next for you and discuss how to get where you want to go!

Enjoy the reflection exercise,


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