Weekend Unwind Idea: Time to Journal

celebration gratitude journalling reflection Dec 01, 2017

The Sweet time for Self-Reflection & Time to Journal...

If you'd like more support with creating your unique lifestyle where this kind of approach to your life with intention and time to EXHALE is your new lifestyle, then please check out my course that starts in less than two weeks...

This weekend, I encourage you to take time to unwind a bit and pick up your favourite journal, a special pen and some iced tea... then spend some time to journal, unwind, reconnect to yourself and inspire :)

I have journalled for years now, sometimes every day, other times just on weekends and every time it is such a gift!

There was a period of time when I would journal every morning for 30 minutes before starting my day. I was following the daily exercises in the book "The Artist's Way" that recommends you write to fill 3 pages in a stream-of-consciousness approach... it was a stretch at first to fill the pages, especially in a new journal where I used to savour them and not want to mark the beautiful clean pages...

...but then I found it to be surprisingly healing and inspiring to take time to have a chat with myself.

There are many different approaches to journaling and if you've been doing it for years yourself, you probably already have your own approaches.

This weekend, try taking time to dream a bit, writing about how you would like to spend the rest of the summer weeks ahead, what is most important to you (your values, dreams, passions) and then what you would like to do to support you with those values over the next few weeks.

My current journaling practice is to take time Saturday mornings after a delicious and leisurely breakfast with my new hubby. We put on some peaceful music, I make a fresh cup of tea and then take my journal and tea outside to write and dream for up to an hour (or even two) before starting the rest of the weekend. I absolutely LOVE this time to myself, to reconnect to my passion, inspiration and vision for my life. This is where the conscious living with intention comes in nicely... and has been life-changing!

However you want to approach your journaling, here are some prompts for you:

1. Take Time to Reflect: I like to pick a special spot, outside in the summer weather or indoors with a cozy blanket in the winter with beautiful music, essential oils in my diffuser or candles and tea, of course! After you've made your space special and luxurious, enjoy sitting for about 10 minutes or more and just reflect on how you're feeling today. Open yourself to reflect, ponder and analyze where you're at, then ask yourself these questions:

How am I feeling?
What am I needing more of?
What is draining me right now?

2. Feeling Super Grateful: Think about things that you are grateful for right now... And expand one area of gratefulness by going deeper.

Why are you grateful for it?
List several reasons why you're grateful and go deeper...
Why does this matter to you?
Why is it coming up today?

3. Set Some Inspiring Goals: Allow these questions to set a course for your life. Ask yourself:

What am I capable of?
What am I naturally good at?
What am I super passionate about?
What lights me up?
What is one thing I can do today or this week that will move me towards my ideal life?
What will my life be like when I am truly THRIVING?

4. Build your Confidence & Energy: Take time to reflect on where you're already winning to get a confidence boost to launch you farther in your life!

Where am I already succeeding in living my ideal life?
What areas are needing to be celebrated?
What am I proud of?
How can I celebrate and build on my existing successes?

Enjoy your weekend time to unwind, reconnect to yourself and your ideal life...

Much love,

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